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Mission mars web scraping

Web scraping using BeautifulSoup, Pandas, and Requests/Splinter. MongoDB with Flask templating to create a new HTML page that displays the extracted information.
Updated 2 years ago

Web Scraping - Mission to Mars


Build a web application that scrapes various websites for data related to the Mission to Mars and displays the information in a single HTML page.

Step 1 - Scraping

Web scraping using BeautifulSoup, Pandas, and Requests/Splinter.

Python script constains the code to scrape the code from the following websites and returns one Python dictionary containing all of the scraped data.

NASA Mars News Extract the latest News Title and Paragraph Text

JPL Mars Space Images Extract the image url for the current Featured Mars Image

Mars Weather Twitter Account Scrape the latest Mars weather tweet from the page

Mars Facts Scrape the table containing facts about the planet including Diameter, Mass, etc.

Mars Hemispheres Extract the high resolution images for each of Mar's hemispheres

Step 2 - MongoDB and Flask Application

MongoDB with Flask templating to create a new HTML page that displays all of the information that was scraped. PyMongo is used for CRUD applications for the database.

Flask App


  • root route /: This route will query the MongoDB and pass the mars data into an HTML template to display the data.
  • /scrape: This route imports the script and calls the function to scrape data. Scaped data is saved in MongoDB

Template HTML file index.html

This file takes the mars data dictionary and displays all of the data in the appropriate HTML elements.