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Ngnamuit sample python api

RestAPI use UI manage (Swagger) and JWT for authentication requests
Updated 2 years ago


sample-python-api is a RestAPIs simple. It provides a UI manage routing and JWT for authentication requests. Screenshot


Local environment

You need to install postgreSQL and create a database before or you can install these easily by following this site.

Then you must to modify the config.ini file.

DatabaseHost = your_host
DatabaseName = your_database_name
DatabaseUserName = your_databse_user_name
DatabasePassword = your_databse_password
JWT_SECRET_KEY = your_secret_key

Install dependencies.

    pip install -r requirements.txt

Run app flask run

Open in a browser.

Production enviroment

You need to install postgreSQL and create a database. Then you must to modify config.ini file.

DatabaseHost = your_host
DatabaseName = your_database_name
DatabaseUserName = your_databse_user_name
DatabasePassword = your_databse_password
JWT_SECRET_KEY = your_secret_key

I recommend you using the following technologies to deploy this app:

sample-python-api: Server backend
Nginx: Reverse proxy
Gunicorn: Deploy flask app
Supervisor: Monitor and control gunicorn process

And you can install by following these command:

  • Install nginx and supervisor
sudo apt-get install nginx supervisor
  • Create a supervisor file in /etc/supervisor/conf.d/sample_python_api.conf and configure it according to your requirements.
command=/home/ubuntu/.env/bin/gunicorn --workers=5 app:flask_app -b
  • To enable the configuration:
$ sudo supervisorctl reread
$ sudo service supervisor restart
  • To check the status of all monitored app, use the following command:
$ sudo supervisorctl status
  • Setup nginx
$ sudo vim /etc/nginx/conf.d/virtual.conf
  • Paste the following configuration:
server {
    listen       80;
    server_name  your_public_dnsname_here;

    location / {
  • Restart the nginx web server.
$ sudo nginx -t
$ sudo service nginx restart

Open your_public_dnsname in a browser.


  • First, you need to login to get JWT token Screenshot

  • Add this JWT to request header to use apis. Screenshot

  • Add new customer api Screenshot

  • Get customer api Screenshot

  • Delete customer api Screenshot

  • Update a customer api Screenshot

  • When your JWT has expired or incorrect: Screenshot