flaskr tdd

flaskr tdd

Flaskr: Intro to Flask, Test-Driven Development (TDD), and JavaScript

awesome python resources

awesome python resources

Awesome Python Resources



Mixer -- Is a fixtures replacement. Supported Django, Flask, SqlAlchemy and custom python objects.

cookiecutter flask restful

cookiecutter flask restful

Flask cookiecutter template for builing APIs with flask-restful, including JWT auth, cli, tests, swagger, docker and more

python engineer roadmap

python engineer roadmap

Python Engineer Roadmap

pytest flask

pytest flask

A set of pytest fixtures to test Flask applications



By @Ok

ok.py supports programming projects by running tests, tracking progress, and assisting in debugging.

pytest flask sqlalchemy

pytest flask sqlalchemy

A pytest plugin for preserving test isolation in Flask-SQLAlchemy using database transactions.

Python developer roadmap

Python developer roadmap

Roadmap for becoming Python developer.

awesome python roadmaps

awesome python roadmaps

Awesome Python roadmaps



Materiály k předmětu NI-PYT na FIT ČVUT

learning API test

learning API test

By @虫师

learning API test



Web app to automatically generate subjective or an objective test and evaluate user responses without any human intervention in an...

minimal flask api

minimal flask api

A template for 'production ready' Flask APIs with Flask & Gunicorn. Includes template test and error-handling files.

flask graphql neo4j

flask graphql neo4j

A simple flask API to test-drive GraphQL and Neo4j

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